Employer funded apprenticeships
how to gain access to government backed programmes

There are plenty of options and one is a government backed scheme where funding of apprenticeships is available dependent on the size of your business. If you’re a company with an annual wage bill of over £3m then you currently already pay an apprenticeship levy of 0.5%. This levy is ‘banked’ on your behalf and can be accessed for specific training purposes such as our courses at BIT Training.

All apprenticeships are funded by UK government at any age. There is a nominal cost for businesses and apprentices themselves can train at any age.

We are on a mission to upskill the UK IT and Cyber workforce, ensuring that the latest skills and certifications are easily obtainable by your employees.

How apprenticeship funding could work for your business

Is your wage bill
under £3M? – read on

If your annual wage bill is under the £3m threshold then you can get up to 95% of our courses funded by the government under ‘co-investment’. This represents a significant saving on the cost of our courses at BIT Training and both the ‘Levy’ and ‘Non Levy’ routes enable access to some of the very best IT training available in the UK today.

Contact our inhouse team
for funding advice

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back to you

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