Chris George, CEME

Chris George has been the Head of IT for the regeneration specialist charity CEME since 2009. Based in Barking, East London, the organization operates and manages office space for start-ups and SME’s, allowing them to grow and develop and hopefully employ more people.

Chris wasn’t always in IT and previously worked at the Ford plant in Dagenham before it was scaled back. The opportunity to work at CEME started with an IT support role but he was soon promoted to Head if IT. Chris’s involvement with BIT came when he enrolled in a Cyber Security course that was being run in association with Barking College and what it gave him was the suitable accreditation and validation for the work he was doing at CEME.

Chris believes that the future of IT industry is very exciting and that it’s the rate of development that’s the single most amazing thing. It’s a disproportionate development that is playing its part in every aspect of modern society and working within that sector is hugely interesting.

Asked if he would encourage others to take up roles in IT, Chris said that he undoubtedly would. It’s our suggestion that anyone wishing to follow Chris in to this exciting and fascinating world would do well to look at what we do at BIT as it’s a sensible starting point.

Chris, CEME, Head of IT